Angelometry V.1 A-H – By Phil Williams – Free PDF

Getting To Know The Angels

Angelometry V.1 A-H – By Phil Williams – Free PDF

Getting To Know The Angels


Angelometry is a free book by yours truly, Phil Williams. This book was created to be copyright free, and intended to go strait to the public domain…



What’s up with this title Angelometry? Well, there are many books about Angels, so I had to get creative. With some research I couldn’t believe how many there are!

Most that I found come with a hefty price tag, so I made mine free, as I do all of my books. Since I have to publish it in several volumes, you can probably guess it’s packed with information on many Angels.

While it’s a book I created for my own studies and styled to share as usual, this one is also to say thanks to the Celestial Angels and all they do for us. If your not familiar with how many jobs they collectively cover around the world, than you’re gonna love all that you find in the book.

From Healing to Protecting, To Falling from Grace and raising Hell, the Angels do it all! While personally I believe many of their attributes are Humanized characteristics we’ve put on them over time, I’ll let you be the judge of that. What’s important to me is that I believe in them in my own fashion, and am very appreciative of all they do for us.

So I humbly invite you to step inside and take a ride on this jam packed knowledge train I call Angelometry. You can either read it right here on the website, or download it free to keep forever. See the instructions below.



Below you just have to click on the book. An easy to navigate book reader will appear like magic. If you’d like to download the free PDF simply click on the three dots in the bottom right-hand corner, and click download. Enjoy!

Angelometry v1 A – H

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